Results 24 May 2019

Course              Tuart                Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny              Players             20 members

Captain Mike wishes to remind club members that they have a responsibility to repair pug marks on the greens.  The Wembley courses are in very good condition at present and it will help preserve the greens during winter if we are careful to repair our own pug marks, and those left by others if this won’t hold up play.

Results            Name                      Gross   Net   Points
Winner             Tom McClain              83        72        34
Second              John Campbell           90        72        34
                 Mike Spencer              87        73        33

Best gross – Tom McClain         83
Best nine –  Doug McCauley   21 pts

3rd                       Tom McClain
6th                       Ian Webb
12th                     Barry Boyd
18th                     Ian Webb

Handicap Changes  
-1  Tom McClain, +1   Ian Webb
Next fixture: Monday 27 May – Stableford, Old Course – cards in by 8.40am

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