Results 4 and 7 June 2019

Results for 7 June:

No competition – SHAME ON YOU ALL!!
Golf is an all-weather game and we only had one serious shower about half-way through our 3hr-10min round and for most of the rest of the time it was warm and sunny, albeit a bit windy too.  Just two players – Alan and yours truly


Results for 4 June:
Course            Tuart                                                               Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny                                                           Players             10 members

Results                   Name              Gross   Net   Points
Winner            John Stone                  87        71         35
Second             Graham Guy               90        72        34
                Carl Colli                      87        73        33
 on c/b from     Ron Bensky                 93        73        33

Best gross – John Stone and Carl Colli – 87
Best nine –  John Stone            23pts

2nd                       –
6th                       –
12th                     John Rogers
18th                     Carl Colli

Handicap Changes  
+1 Ian Webb

Next fixture: Monday 10 June – Par Plus, Old Course – cards in by 8.40am


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