Results 19 August 2019

Course              Old                              Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny                         Players            13 members

Results                             Name                Gross        Net      Points
                      John Campbell            92           71             37
Second                       Richard Russell           87           72            36
(on c/b)           Ron Bensky                 95           75             33 pts

Best gross        Richard Russell                                          87
Best nine         Richard Russell                                           20

2nd                       –
6th                       Bruce Morrision
13th                     Rick Lazar
16th                     Mike Spencer

Handicap Changes  
-1 Richard Russell, +1 Alan Smith

Next fixture: Friday 23 August – 2-ball ambrose, Old Course – cards in by 8.40am
Please note – Monday 16 August – Earlier start 8.30 on Old Course (due to coring on the Tuart).  Cards in by 8.10 please.


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