2019 Annual General Meeting

Twenty-four members attended the AGM on 22 November 2019;  the new committee is as follows:
President        Richard Russell
Vice President Barry Boyd
Secretary          John Campbell
Treasurer         Graham Guy
Committee       David Hayes, Bruce Morrison, Grant Saunders, Alan Smith & Mike Spencer

Retiring president Doug McCauley was thanked for his many years of service to the club, as was retiring committee member and former club captain John Allen.  Members agreed to remember those members and past members of the club who founded it and established its present form and processes, and to thank them for creating the environment we now enjoy. The members agreed to raise subscriptions for 2019-20 to $55 per playing member and passed a resolution to change the constitution to allow the committee to comprise up to 10 officers and members.  Copies of reports and accounts will be circulated to members and are available on request from [email protected]

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