Fred Sorenson Shield results (22 Nov 2019)

Course            Tuart                            Competition  Ambrose
Conditions    Mainly sunny             Players            21 members

Results:           Names                                                          Gross       H’cap    Net
1st     Fred Carter/Garth Irvine/Mike Kimber                           62             9.0         53.0
2nd    Jimmy Chong/Carl Colli/Gerry Gillett                             71             11.7         59.3
3rd    Doug McCauley/Graham McHarrie/Grant Saunders    72             11.5       60.5

3rd                    Grant Saunders
6 th                   Carl Colli
12th                  Garth Irvine
18th                  Mike Kimber

Eclectic (unchanged for this competition)

Next fixture: Monday 25 November – Stableford on the Old Course, cards in at 6.40am
Reminders –  
Subscriptions ($55 per playing member) and Christmas lunch money now due
Gerry Gillett Trophy 4-club Stableford on Friday 6 December
Christmas lunch and trophy presentation Tuesday 10  December

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