Golf carts may now be shared

The Chief Executive of GolfWA advises as follows:

I am pleased to advise that approval is now given for 2 people to share a cart as per Clause 13 (u) of the Closure and Restriction Limit the Spread Direction No 4 i.e it is an exception to the public gathering rule of a minimum of 2sqm.  The rationale is that the agencies involved in this decision (Health, Sport & Rec and the Police) have deemed that a cart is a Motor Vehicle as defined in Section 4 of the Road Traffic (Administration) Act 2008.  Whilst this point was argued under previous Closure and Restriction Limit the Spread Directions, the answer/advice given at those times was the exceptions around motor vehicles and public gatherings was that the intent was for motor vehicles to transport people from A to B.  Given the easing of restrictions and the reduction in community spread of COVID19, they have now resolved to apply the rule literally.

Sounds as if common sense has prevailed over bureaucracy!

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