Results 29 June 2020

Course                  Tuart                                                  Competition      Stroke
Conditions          Overcast, windy                               Players                 11 members

Results:                       Name                                    Gross                    Net
1st                            Garth Irvine                                      87                           76
2nd (on c/b)           Bruce Morrison                                96                           76
3rd (equal)             D Hayes, N Sapsworth                                                   79

Best gross          Garth Irvine                                       87
Best nine            Bruce Morrison                                 17

Closest to Pin:
3rd                    Garth Irvine
6th                    Mike Spencer
12th                  John Campbell
18th                  Mike Spencer

Handicap changes:
Changes: +1 – D Hayes, M Kimbar, R Lazar, N Sapsworth, Alan Smith, Alex Smith


Next fixture:     Friday 3 July, Stableford, Old Course, Cards in at 8.40am
Reminders – playing arrangements back to normal –starting order drawn after 8.40am check in, closest-to-pin, prize-giving afterwards, $25 gift cards on sale from treasurer for $10 each (one per member) and must be purchased/arranged before 31 July.

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