Results 13 July 2020

Ready-golf – today’s rule is:
Be ready to tee off, if need be before marking your card with the score on the previous hole.

Lunch 12 noon at East Fremantle Sailing Club, Petra St, East Fremantle on 29 July 2020 – fixed menu for $42 less credit of $1 for pre-covid games (details by email) pre-ordering of food required – please see treasurer before 25 July to pay for and order your meal.  A reminder that $25 gift cards on sale from treasurer for $10 each (one per member) and must be purchased/arranged before 31 July.

Course            Old Course                  Competition   3-man Ambrose
Conditions      Damp                          Players            17 members
           Name                                      Gross              Net
1st        R Russell, D Hayes & J Campbell        72                    62.5
2nd        J Bannister, D Lynn & G Irvine            72                    63.3
3rd        M Spencer, Alan Smith & Alex Smith 72                    64.3
Closest to Pin:
3rd                    Mike Spencer
6th                    –
13th                  Garth Irvine
18th                  John Bannister
Handicap changes:
From Friday’s play: -5 David Lynn, +1 Carl Colli, Garth Irvine, Rick Lazar, Bruce Morrison, Alex Smith and Mike Spencer
Eclectic (no change since Friday)
Next fixture
:     Friday 17 July, Stableford, Old Course, Cards in at 8.40am

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