Results 11 September 2020

Course             Old                            Competition Stroke & Putt
Conditions      Sunny 14 -18C       Players 18 members + 1 guest           

Results:             Name                      Gross        Net        
1st                       Garth Irvine                 82               70
2nd                      Grant Saunders           91               73
3rd                       Mike Kimbar               91               74

Best gross                  Garth Irvine                 82
Best front nine       Grant Saunders          19pts
Best back nine        Mike Kimbar               19pts

Nearest to the Pin
2nd      Gerry Gillett
6th       John Allen
13th     Gerry Gillet
16th     Garth Irvine

Winner of the Fergus McDuff Trophy  John Stone   41 putts

John, shown here receiving the trophy from president Richard Russell, won with an erratic round requiring 41 putts, one more than runner-up Ron Bensky with 40 putts. Best putter on the day was Garth Irvine with 29 putts.

Handicap changes
+1      Gerry Gillett 


Next fixture:     Monday, 14 September, Stableford, Tuart
Cards in by 08:40.

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