Results 14 September 2020

Course             Tuart                    Competition  Stableford
Conditions      Sunny 18-25C     Players        18 members   

Results:             Name                        Gross     Net      Pts                   
1st                       Barry Boyd      c/b          92           70        36
2nd                      Alan Smith                     84           70        36
3rd                       Mike Spencer  c/b        86           71        35
                            John Allen

Best gross          Tom McClain                82
Best  nine           Barry Boyd                  22 pts

Nearest to Pin
3rd                   David Hayes
6 th                   John Allen
12th                  David Hayes
18th                  Mike Spencer

Handicap changes:
 +1   G Gillett, T McClain, G McHarrie, N Sapsworth


Next fixture:     Friday, 18 September, Stableford Pairs
                                Championship Round 1, Old
                                cards in no later than 8.40am.

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