Results 18 September 2020

Course            Tuart Course    Competition   Pairs Combined Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players            21 members and 2 guests

Pairs (Day 1 of 2) – Names                         Total points
1st        Tom McClain 38 & Barry Boyd 37,                 75
2nd        Mike Kimbar 37 & Rick Lazar 29                   66
3rd        Graham Guy 25 & Grant Saunders 38          63
4th        Richard Russell 31 & Gerry Gillett 31            62
5th        Mike Spencer 27 & Brian Hills 31                   58
6th        Tom McClain 38 & Ron Bensky 20                 58
7th        John Allen 27 & John Campbell 28                 55
8th        Grant Irvine 27 & David Lynn 24                    51
9th        John Stone 27 & Steve Parkinson 19              46

Individual         Name              Gross              Net      Points
1st        Alan Smith                   79                    63        41
2nd        Tom McClain               78                    68        38
3rd (on C/B) Grant Saunders   84                    68        38

Best Gross
Tom McClain               78

Alan Smith                   22

Closest to Pin:
3rd                    Mike Kimbar
6th                    John Stone
12th                  Steve Parkinson
18th                  Eddy Moreira
Handicap changes:
Next fixture
:     Monday 21 Sept, Pairs Combined Stableford (2nd day), Old Course, Cards in at 8.40am

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