Results 2 October 2020

Course            Tuart Course              Competition   Stableford
Conditions    Showery                      Players             14 members

Congratulations to Gerry Gillett – beat his age again by 6 shots, and he sunk 6 single putts on the back nine to finish with 24 points on the nine.

Results:           Name      Gross  Net   Points
1st        Gerry Gillett                88        66       40
2nd (C/B) Alan Dale               88        71        35
3rd (C/B) Mike Kimbar         85        71        35
4th (C/B) Carl Colli                84        71        35

Best Gross
Carl Colli                     84

Best Nine        
Gerry Gillett                24

Closest to Pin:
3rd                           Barry Boyd
6th                           Mike Spencer
13th                         Gerry Gillett
18th                         Graham Guy
Handicap changes:
+1 Richard Russell -1 Mike Kimbar and Darren Lloyd
Next fixture
:     Monday 5 October, Par Plus, Old Course, cards in at 7.10am for 7.32am start
Note: Summertime schedule – next Friday 9 Oct –on Old Course – cards in at 6.10am for 6.28am start.  The following week (12 and 16 Oct) – Tuart Course with 7am starts.

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