Results 18 December 2020

Course             Tuart                            Competition  Stableford
Conditions      Sunny 19-28 C           Players        21 members         

Results:             Name                       Gross    Net    Points             
1st                      David Hayes                  90           67         39
2nd                     Bruce Morrison            90           70         36
3rd                      Tom McClain                80           71         35

Best gross        Tom McClain                            80
Best nine          David Hayes cb Rick Lazar    21 pts

Nearest to Pin
3rd                   Bob Hopkins
6 th                   Rick Lazar
12th                  David Hayes
18th                  David Lynn

Handicap changes:
    -1     David Hayes
    +1   Darren Lloyd


Next fixture:     Monday, 21 December, Stableford , Old
                                cards in no later than 06:40am.

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