Results 18 January 2021

Course             Old                          Competition     Ambrose
Conditions      Overcast  27-30C         Players    20 members           

Results:           Name                                                                            Gross         Net         
1st                    G Irvine / D Lynn / G Guy / D Hayes                               69          59.50          
2nd                   T McClain / R Russell / G Gillett / S Parkinson             70          60.00           
3rd                    M Spencer / M Kimbar / J Allen / B Boyd                      71          62.25

Nearest to the Pin
2nd       David Hayes
6th        Bruce Morrison
13th      David Hayes
16th      Mike Spencer

Handicap changes: ( none )

Eclectic    (no changes)

Next fixture:     Friday, 22 January, Stableford, Old
                              Cards in by 06:40 am

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