Results 15 February 2021

Course             Old                   Competition   Stroke & Putts
Conditions      Sunny 26-29C        Players        19 members  

Results:           Name                 Gross     Net                 
1st                     Carl Colli     cb          84           68        
2nd                   Graham Guy              87           68       
3rd                   Mike Kimbar   cb      89           74     
                       Alan Smith, Bruce Morrison  74

Best gross              Carl Colli           84

Best front nine   Graham Guy     21 pts
Best back nine    Carl Colli           21 pts

Least Putts         David Lynn   cb   Ric Haddleton   27
Most Putts          Darren Lloyd  cb  Mike Kimbar    36

Congratulations to Darren for winning the Fergus McDuff Trophy
on a count back from Mike

Nearest to the Pin
2nd    Carl Colli     
6th     Garth Irvine     –
13th   Graham Guy
16th   David Hayes

Handicap changes:
-1    B Morrison,   -1 Tuart  G Guy   
+1   G Irvine,  +1 Tuart  G Saunders,  +1 Old   M Kimbar 
+2 Old 
G Saunders    


Next fixture:     Friday, 19 January, Stableford, Old
                                Cards in by 06:40 am

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