Results 22 February 2021

Course             Tuart                           Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny  21-34C         Players            21 members               

Results:           Name                      Gross     Net     Points                    
1st                     John Campbell            88           71         35
2nd                   Richard Dongray         93           72         34     
3rd                    Alan Smith                   86           73         33
                        cb Ric Haddleton, Mike Kimbar

Best gross       Alan Smith                  86
Best nine        Bob Hopkins              21pts

3rd                    John Allen    
6 th                   John Stone
13th                 Neil Sapsworth
18th                 Mike Spencer

Handicap changes:
    -1  J Campbell, R Lazar    
    +1 R Dongray, D Lynn, R Russell, N Sapsworth, A Zieba 


Next fixture:    Friday, 25 February, Par Plus, Tuart,
                               cards in no later than 6.40am.
Match-play – the Jock Oehlers Match Play Championship commences on Tuesday 2 March and the draw is attached. Because of the public holiday, players are free to choose on which date they play their scheduled match out of Tuesday and Friday next week.  The rules have been circulated to members. 

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