Results 26 March 2021

Course            Tuart Course               Competition   Stableford
Conditions    Sunny                           Players              17 members and 1 guest

Results:      Names                                  Gross              Net         Points
1st               Mike Kimbar                                  86                    71             35
2nd               Alex Smith                                     87                    72             34
3rd               Graham Guy                                  89                    73             33
Best Gross
Mike Kimbar & Garth Irvine                        86
Alex Smith                                                        19

Closest to Pin:
3rd        Alan Smith
6th        John Campbell
12th      Brian Hills
18th      Mike Kimbar

Handicap changes:
-1 (Tuart) G Guy, +1 B Hills, G Irvine & Alex Smith

Next fixture:     Monday 29 March 2021, Stableford, Old Course,
                                cards in at 7.28am for a 7.48am start

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