Results 29 March 2021

Course              Old Course                  Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny                           Players            24 members

Results:      Names                                  Gross              Net           Points
1st               Richard Russell                              82                   66             42
2nd              John Campbell                              89                    70             38
3rd               Graham Guy                                  88                    71              37
Best Gross
Richard Russell                                                 82
Richard Russell                                                 25
Richard scored 1 over par 37 on the second 9

Congratulations also to Gerry Gillett (95yo) who played to his age and handicap: gross 95, net 72, 36 points

Closest to Pin:
2nd        Alex Smith
6th        Steve Parkinson
13th      Graham McHarrie
16th      Ric Haddleton

Handicap changes:
 -1 Campbell and Russell, Old +1 Lazar, Tuart +1 McClain and Alan Smith

Next fixture:     Thursday 1 April 2021, Russian Pairs Stableford, Tuart Course, cards in at 8.40am for a 9.00am start

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