Results 9 April 2021

Course            Old Course                  Competition   Stroke
Conditions      Sunny                         Players             22 members

Results:      Names                                           Gross     Net           Points
1st               John Campbell                               85                    67             41
2nd              Richard Dongray                           92                    69             39
3rd (C/B)    Mike Kimbar                                  89                    70             38
4th               John Stone                                      89                    70             38
Best Gross
John Campbell                                                  85
Best Nine   
1st Nine       John Campbell                               22
2nd Nine      Richard Dongray                           22

Closest to Pin:
2nd        Tom McClain
6th        Mike Spencer
13th      David Hayes
16th      Carl Colli

Handicap changes:
-1 J Campbell, R Dongray, +1 J Allen, -1 Old D Hayes, J Stone, -1 Tuart C Colli, M Kimbar, D Lloyd, Alan Smith +1 Tuart M Spencer

Next fixture: Monday 12 April – charity match vs Westside GC – first tee-off 6.20
Tee-off times have been circulated.  If you want to play and have not been advised, ring the secretary.

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