Results 16 April and real match-play winner photo

Course         Tuart Course      Competition   Russian Pairs stableford
Conditions    Sunny               Players              24 members

Results:      Names                                      Points
1st               John Allen & Tom McClain           62
2nd              Garth Irvine & S Huckle                54
3rd (C/B)   Carl Colli & Graham McHarrie     54
Best Gross
Tom McClain                                                       82
Tom McClain                                                       22

Closest to Pin:
3rd        John Campbell
6th        John Stone
13th      David Hayes
18th      Graham McHarrie

Handicap changes:

Next fixture: Monday 19 April – Captain’s Trophy, stroke, Old Course, 9.24 start,
                            cards in by 9am please

Photo of Match-play Champion Alan Smith (for the third time) being congratulated by Captain Mike Spencer and close runner-up David Hayes.

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