Results 28 May 2021

Course            Tuart Course               Competition   Stableford
Conditions    Sunny periods             Players            8 members

Results:      Name                                    Gross              Net           Points
1st               John Allen                                      87                    70             36
2nd               Mike Spencer                                86                    71             35
3rd               Alan Smith                                     87                    73             33
Best Gross
Mike Spencer                                                     86
Best Nine
John Allen                                                           21
Closest to Pin:
3rd               Garth Irvine
6th               –
12th             Garth Irvine
18th             John Allen

Handicap changes:
-1 J Allen (Tuart), R Haddleton & J Salant (Old)

Next fixture: Monday 31 May – Old Course, 9.40am tee-off, Stableford competition, cards in by 9.20 am

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