Results 4 June 2021

Course            Old Course                  Competition   Stableford Combined Pairs
Conditions      Sunny                           Players            16 members

Team Results
Winners:                                             David Lynn & Graham Guy                                        72 points
2nd place:                                            Mike Kimbar & Carl Colli                                            62 points
3rd place                                              Garth Irvine & Ric Haddleton                                    61 points
Individual Results:
                Gross           Net               Points
1st               David Lynn                       85                 69                 39
2nd               Graham Guy                    93                 75                 33
3rd               Mike Kimbar                   90                 76                 32
Best Gross
David Lynn                                          85
Best Nine
David Lynn                                          20
Closest to Pin:
2nd              Gerry Gillett
6th               Jeff Salant
13th             Barry Boyd
16th             John Campbell

Handicap changes:
Old +1 Alex Smith -1 David Lynn, Tuart +1 Garth Irvine and Alex Smith -1 Graham Guy

Next fixture: Tuesday 8 June- Tuart Course, 9.00am tee-off, Stableford competition, cards in by 8.40 am

Yesterday’s link to the page of golf poems failed but I have managed to get it to work now – see poems
Belated photo of the President Richard Russell presenting the trophy to Steve Huckle, winner of the President’s Trophy played on 21 May

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