Results 8 June 2021 & more poetry

Course              Tuart Course                           Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny/cool                              Players              14 members

Results:  Name                          Gross           Net               Points
1st               Richard Russell               83                 70                 36
2nd (on c/b) Mike Spencer                87                 72                 34
3rd               Jeff Salant                        81                 72                 34
Best Gross
Jeff Salant                                          81
Best Nine
Jeff Salant                                          20
Closest to Pin:
3rd               John Allen
6th               Jeff Salant
12th             Steve Parkinson
18th             Mike Spencer

Handicap changes:
Old +1 Brian Hills, Darren Lloyd, Tuart +1 Jeff Salant, Frank Shannon

Next fixture: Friday 11 June- Tuart Course, 9.00am tee-off, Stroke and putts, cards in by 8.40 am

Today our poet laureate, Chris Wynne, offers the following:
Pride comes before a fall
A poem by Chris Wynne

The fairways were still frosty and covered with dew,
When I smashed a 3-wood, long, straight and true.
I knew I had hit it with all my might,
And I watched it soar through the air, towards the flag, nearly out of sight.
But when I searched all over the green,
That little white ball was nowhere to be seen.

I looked all over, down and up,
And would you believe it, it was there in the cup!
Imagine my joy and thrill at this feat,
Even my partners joined in the laughter as I turned up the heat.
But as they say: ˋPride comes before a fall´.
I found I had hit …..someone else‘s bloody ball!

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