Results 11 June 2021 & Fergus McDuff Trophy winner

Course            Tuart Course               Competition   Stroke & putts
Conditions      Overcast & cool          Players            14 members

Fergus McDuff Trophy winner

Darren Lloyd will need to hand over the prized Fergus McDuff trophy to a new holder in Bruce Morrison, whose difficulty with his putter was rewarded by a score of 38 putts for the round, 3 putts worse than his closest rival, Mike Kimbar.  Best putter on the day went to Brian Hills with 28 putts, closely followed by Geoff Salant with 29 putts, and a trio on 30 putts – captain Mike Spencer, Alan Smith and John Allen.  (Photo to come when trophy available.)

Results:  Name                              Gross           Net
1st                  John Campbell                84                 68
2nd (on c/b) Graham Guy                    89                 73
3rd                 Alan Smith                       87                 73
Best Gross
John Campbell                                     84
Best Nine
John Campbell                                     22
Least putts
                                                             Most Putts
Brian Hills                                             28              Bruce Morrison                         38
Closest to Pin:
3rd               Jeff Salant
6th               Richard Russell
12th             John Campbell
18th             Jeff Salant

Handicap changes:
Old -1 John Campbell, Tuart -1 John Campbell & David Lynn

Next fixture: Monday 14 June- Old Course, 9.40am tee-off, Par Plus, cards in by 9.20 am

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