Results 21 June 2021

Course            Old Course                              Competition   Stableford
Conditions    Not balmy*, some cloud      Players            10 members, 1 visitor

Results:  Name                             Gross           Net          Points
1st (on c/b)   Mike Spencer                  87                 70                 38
2nd                 John Campbell                87                 70                 38
3rd (on c/b)  Garth Irvine                     88                 74                 34
4th                 Graham Guy                     92                 74                 34
Best Gross
M Spencer & J Campbell                    87
Best Nine
Mike Spencer                                        22
Closest to Pin:
2nd               John Campbell
6th               Alan Smith
13th             –
16th             Garth Irvine

Handicap changes:
-1 David Lynn (Tuart only) and J Campbell
* It was the players who were barmy to play in such cold weather!

Next fixture: Friday 25 June- Tuart Course, 9.00am tee-off, Stableford Pairs – best ball, cards in by 8.40 am


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