Results 25 June 2021

Course             Tuart       Competition    Stableford Pairs better ball
Conditions      Sunny 10-17 C    Players        12 members

 Results               Name                                  Points               
1st             Graham McHarrie / Alex Smith         45
2nd            Richard Dongray / Alan Smith          43
3rd             Bruce Morrison / Mike Spencer        42

Best gross             Jeff Salant / Alan Smith     83                            
Best nine               Alan Smith                          21 pts

Nearest to Pin
3rd                   Alex Smith
6 th                   Bruce Morrison
12th                  Barrie Boyd
18th                  Garth Irvine

Handicap changes:   
Old  -1 G McHarrie +1 B Boyd, B Morrison, M Spencer
Tuart  -1 G McHarrie  +1 B Boyd, B Morrison

Next fixture:     Monday 28 June, Stroke, Old
                               cards in no later than 09:30am for a 09:48 start.

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