Results 27 August 2021

Course              Old                           Competition        Ambrose
Conditions   Partly cloudy   14-17C       Players          14 members

Results:           Name                                                                     Gross     Net    
1st                     G Guy / D Hayes / Alex Smith                                  71         58.4
2nd                    B Boyd / G Gillett / D Lynn                                      73         59.4
3rd                    C Colli / M Kimbar / G McHarrie / G Saunders  69        59.875

Closest to Pin:
2nd       Jeff Salant
6th        Alex Smith
13th      David Lynn
16th      David Hayes

Handicap changes:



Next fixture:    Monday, 30 August, Tuart Course, Par Plus,
                               tee-off 09.00 am, cards in by 08:40am

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