Results 6 September 2021

Course              Old                   Competition       Wembley? Foursomes
Conditions     Sunny  17-24C       Players        15 members

Results:           Name                                           Gross        Net    
1st                     Mike Kimbar / David Lynn                83           66
2nd                    Ron Bensky / Darren Lloyd               79           67.5
3rd                    Barry Boyd / Garth Irvine                 89            68

Best Gross
Ron Bensky / Darren Lloyd            79

Closest to Pin:
2nd       David Lynn
6th        David Lynn
13th      Darren Lloyd
16th      Mike Kimbar

Handicap changes:



Next fixture:    Friday, 10 September, Old Course, Stroke & Putts,
                               tee-off 09.08 am, cards in by 08:45am

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