Results 17 September 2021

Course           Tuart                   Competition   Pairs Championship
Conditions   Partly overcast 13-16C    Players       21 members

Round 1 Pairs
                          Names                                 Points
1st               Barry Boyd/Alan Smith                   43
2nd              David Hayes/John Stone                42
3rd               Garth Irvine/Graham McHarrie   41
4th               Graham Guy/Brian Hills                40
                   Grant Saunders/Mike Spencer      40
                   Ric Haddleton/Jeff Salant              40
7th               Mike Kimbar/Rick Lazar                37
8th               Ron Bensky/Richard Russell        34
                   David Lynn/Bruce Morrison          34
10th             John Campbell/Steve Huckle        33

Individual Results:       
                            Name              Gross       Nett    Points
1st                     Brian Hills     cb      100           71         35
2nd                    Garth Irvine              83           71         35
3rd                    Barry Boyd                98           73         33

Best Gross      Garth Irvine             83
Best Nine
        Brian Hills                23

Closest to Pin:
3rd               Graham Guy
John Stone
Barry Boyd
Garth Irvine

Handicap changes:

Next fixture:    Monday, 20 September, Old Course, Round 2 Pairs Championship
                               tee-off 09.08am, cards in by 08:45am

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