Results 24 September and that winning photo

Course              Old Course                  Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny                           Players             20 members

The Pairs Championship winners’ photo:

Vice-President Barry Boyd (right) congratulates the pairs winners, Mike Spencer (left) and Grant Saunders (centre)


Results:  Name                          Gross           Net          Points
1st                David Hayes                    98                 71                  37
2nd              John Campbell                91                 74                 34
3rd              David Lynn                       92                 75                 33
Best Gross
Mike Kimbar & John Campbell       91
Best Nine
Front          Steve Huckle                   19
Back           David Hayes                    19
Closest to Pin:
2nd               Mike Kimbar
6th               Bruce Morrison
13th             Gerry Gillett
16th             Rick Haddleton

Handicap changes:
Tuart +1  M Kimbar, Alex Smith, M Spencer
Old     -1  Alan Smith

Next fixture: Tuesday 28 September, Tuart Course, Stableford , tee-off 9.00am cards in by 8.40 am

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