Results 4 October 2021

Course              Old Course                  Competition   Par Plus
Conditions      Overcast                      Players              18 members

Results:  Name                        Gross             Net       Plus/Minus
1st                Graham Guy                    85                 67                 +5
2nd              Garth Irvine                    83                 69                 +3
3rd               John Allen                      89                 70                 +2
Best Gross
Garth Irvine                                       83
Best Nine
Graham Guy                                       +4
Closest to Pin:
2nd               Garth Irvine
6th               Garth Irvine
13th             David Hayes
16th             Graham Guy

Handicap changes:
 -1 R Bensky, G Guy, B Hills (Tuart only), G Irvine & R Lazar (Old only)
+1 J Campbell (+2 Tuart), Alex Smith (Old only), G Gillett (Tuart only)

Next fixture: Friday 8 October, Old Course, Stableford tee-off 6.28 am cards in at 6.10 am


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