Results 29 October 2021

Course           Tuart                   Competition   Stableford
Conditions   Sunny  13-19C    Players   14 members + 2 guests

Results:          Name                            Gross     Net       Points
1st                     John Campbell                 83         66           40
2nd                    Grant Saunders               86         69           37
3rd                    David Hayes                     94         70           36

Best Gross      John Campbell                 83
Best Nine
        Grant Saunders               22

Meritorious Mention
Eagles for John Campbell on the 10th and Grant Saunders on the 15th

Closest to Pin:
3rd               John Allen
Will Washington
Ric Haddleton
Alan Dale

Handicap changes:
Old  -1  J Campbell, D Hayes, G Saunders  +1  C Colli, T McClain, J Salant
Tuart   -1  B Boyd, J Campbell, D Hayes, G Saunders +1  S Huckle

links to Eclectic and Podiums removed pending year end results to be announced
at the Xmas 
lunch presentation
Next fixture:    Monday, 1 November, Old Course, Par Plus,
                               tee-off 07:32am, cards in by 07:10am
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