Results 19 November 2021

Course            Old                    Competition        Stroke
Conditions    Overcast  15-20C    Players    22 members +1 guest

Results:             Name                       Gross    Net    
1st                     John Allen                         88         69      
2nd                    John Campbell                 89         70      
3rd                    David Lynn                       88         71      

Best Gross                Jeff Salant                87
Best Front Nine     John Campbell       20
Best Back Nine       John Allen               20

Closest to Pin:
2nd       Mike Spencer
6th        Will Washington
13th      Andy McLean
16th      Tom McClain

Handicap changes: (Provisional)
-1  J Campbell (both), D Lynn, M Spencer (Tuart), G Saunders (Old)
+1  J Salant (Tuart)



Next fixture:    Monday, 22 November, Tuart Course, Stableford,
                                tee-off 07:00am, cards in by 06:40am

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