Fred Sorenson Shield 26 November 2021

Course              Old Course                              Competition   Ambrose threesomes
Conditions      Sunny                                       Players              20 members and 1 guest

Results:     Names                                                  Gross           Net                      
1st                M Kimbar/Alex Smith/R Dongray        73                 63.16                   
2nd              Alan Smith/D Lynn/C Wynne                73                 63.67                   
3rd               J Stone/B Morrison/G McHarrie          74                 63.83                   
The photo shows the glee of the winning team:

(l-r) Alex Smith, Richard Dongray and Mike Kimbar
Closest to Pin:
2nd               Andy McLean
6th               Richard Russell
13th             Mike Spencer
16th             Jeff Salant

Handicap changes:

Next fixture: Monday 29 November, stableford on the Old Course, tee-off 7.32 am, cards in at 7.10am please.
For those not at today’s AGM, the existing committee was re-elected and subscriptions, payable during December (or now if you wish) confirmed at $65pp.  Bookings for Xmas lunch have been finalised but we can accommodate late entries if you have missed the boat.

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