Results 29 November 2021

Course            Old                    Competition        Stableford
Conditions    Sunny  18-22C    Players    17 members +2 guests

Results:             Name                       Gross    Net    Points
1st                     John Stone                        82         67       41
2nd                    Richard Dongray   cb      98        72        36
3rd                    John Campbell      cb       90        72       36
                         Mike Spencer, Rick Lazar

Best Gross      John Stone                     82
Best Nine        John Stone                     22

Closest to Pin:
2nd       Bruce Morrison
6th        Richard Russell
13th      Tom Guthrie
16th      Bob Sprugen

Handicap changes:
-1  J Stone (both), J Campbell, R Dongray (Old)
+1  G Guy, A Zeiba (both)



Next fixture:    Friday, 3 December, Old Course, Par Plus,
                                tee-off 07:00am, cards in by 06:40am

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