Gerry Gillett Trophy – 4-club stableford 10 December 2021

Course            Tuart Course     Competition   Gerry Gillett Trophy – 4-club stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players              25 members

The Gerry Gillett Trophy 4-club stableford competition was played in cooler conditions after 40 degrees earlier in the week.  Overcast at the start, the sun came through at the halfway point.   Whilst some of the field struggled with using their chosen clubs in unusual circumstances, others remarked that they didn’t know why they carried round 14 clubs for the rest of the year when 4 seemed quite enough for a good score.  The winner, John Allen, played a consistent round to head the field with 68 points. 

Gerry Gillett (r) congratulates the winner of his trophy, John Allen (l)

Results:     Name                         Gross           Net          Points
1st                John Allen                        85                 68                 38
2nd              Grant Saunders               86                 70                 36
3rd              Richard Dongray             95                 72                 34
Best Gross
John Allen & John Stone                  85
Best Nine
John Allen                                            21
Closest to Pin:
3rd               Mike Kimbar
6th               Jeff Salant
12th             Richard Dongray
18th             Jeff Salant

Handicap changes:
No changes – today’s scores not entered into Golflink

Next fixture: Monday 13 December 2021 Old Course Stableford tee-off 7.00 am cards in at 6.40 am

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