Results 4 January 2022

Happy New Year to all WCGC Members

Course            Old Course                              Competition   Stroke
Conditions      Sunny                                       Players            14 members

Results:     Name                        Gross           Net                                           
1st                Tom Guthrie                    101                67
2nd C/B      John Campbell                 89                 72
3rd              Grant Saunders                89                 72
Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                              81
Best Nine
Tom Guthrie                                         26                
Closest to Pin:
2nd               Tony Fisk
6th               Jeff Salant
13th             Gerry Gillett
16th             Mike Kimbar (within 20cms – so close to a hole-in-one)

Handicap changes:
Tom Guthrie -7 (Old), -6 (Tuart), Grant Saunders -1 (Old), +1 Rick Lazar (Tuart), Andy McLean (Old)    

Next fixture: Friday 7 January 2022 Old Course Stableford tee-off 7.00 am cards in at 6.40 am

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