Results 11 February 2022

Course           Tuart                          Competition   Stableford
Conditions   Sunny/Humid 21-26C     Players   21 members

Results:          Name                         Gross    Net     Points 
1st                     Tom Guthrie                    94          68         38
2nd                    Graham Guy                    87          72         34
3rd                    Mike Kimbar        cb       84          73         33
                         Barry Boyd                       97          73         33

Best Gross      Tony Fisk /Mike Kimbar         84
Best Nine
        Tom Guthrie                              20

Closest to Pin:
3rd               Tony Fisk
Steve Huckle
Gerry Gillett
Tom Guthrie

Handicap changes:
Old    -2 T Guthrie, -1  M Kimbar, +1 B Morrison
Tuart  -2 T Guthrie

Next fixture:     Monday, 14 February, Old Course, Stroke & Putts,
                                tee-off 07:40am, cards in by 07:20am
                               At the registration kiosk please look for the
                              MONDAY WEST COAST OLD COURSE competition

 Congratulations to Brian Hills on his 90th birthday this past week and to Andy McLean who also turned 70.


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