Results 28 February 2022

Course            Tuart Course                           Competition   Match-play/Stableford
Conditions      Sunny                                      Players            18 members

Match-play result: Barry Boyd defeated Alan Smith 2/1
Matchplay ladder
Stableford Results:
  Name      Gross    Net  Points                     
1st                Tony Fisk                             75          71        35
2nd C/B      Graham McHarrie             96          75        31
3rd              Richard Russell                  88          75        31
Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                                                  75

Best Nine
Front:         Tony Fisk                                              19
Back:          Steve Parkinson                                   19

Closest to Pin:
3rd               Ron Bensky
6th               Tony Fisk
12th             Steve Parkinson
18th             Ric Haddleton 



Next fixture: Friday 4 March 2022 Tuart Course One preliminary match-play round and the remainder of us playing stableford, tee-off 6.28 am cards in at 6.08 am

Note about match-play round of 16 in week ending 11 March – Monday 7 March is Labour Day holiday so the majority of match-play games will be played on that day with a 7.48 start on the Tuart Course.  Please check your diaries and make sure you are free to play if you are scheduled as anything other than a Friday-only match. 

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