Results 14 March 2022

Course            Old Course                              Competition   Match-play/Stableford
Conditions    Sunny                                       Players              25 members

Match-play result: Tom Guthrie def Andy McLean 1 up, John Stone def Richard Russell 4/3, Tony Fisk def Ric Haddleton 2 up – Match-play draw
Stableford Results:
Name     Gross    Net  Points                     
1st                Alf Pezzali                         85          71        37
2nd               Darren Lloyd                   77          73        35
3rd C/B        Barry Boyd                     101          76        32
4th               David Lynn                       92          76        32
5th               Steve Huckle                     95          76        32
6th               Alex Smith                        93          76        32
Best Gross
Darren Lloyd                                        77

Best Nine
Alex Smith                                           22

Closest to Pin:
2nd               David Lynn
6th               Alan Smith
13th             Tom Guthrie
16th             Darren Lloyd



Next fixture: Friday 18 March 2022 Old Course – one match-play and the remainder of us playing stableford, tee-off 6.36 am cards in at 6.15 am

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