Results 29 April

Course             Old Course      Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players            20 members and a guest

Committee’s recommendation on slow play
At the green, leave your buggy at the back or at the side nearest the next tee.

Results:     Name                           Gross  Net   Points

1st            John Stone                            87      72      36 
2nd          John Allen                            92      74      34
3rd C/B   Tony Fisk                              79      75      33
4th           Mike Kimbar                        88      75      33
5th           Rolfe Heldy (guest)             89      75      33

Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                              79
Best Nine
John Stone                                            19
Nearest to Pin:
2nd        Andy McLean
6th        Tony Fisk
13th      Barry Boyd
16th      Grant Saunders          



Next fixture: Monday 2 May, Tuart Course, stroke tee-off 9.00 am cards in 8.40 am
Harvey Outing – Weds 25 May cards in by 11.30am, play starts at 12 noon. Advise Secretary if you want to join us and if he doesn’t have your name on his list. Accommodation options being assessed at Harvey Hotel:
Harvey Hotel

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