Results 2 May 2022

Course            Tuart Course   Competition   Stroke
Conditions      Sunny               Players            16 members

Tony Fisk scores an eagle
Congratulations to Tony Fisk on his eagle on Tuart 15th – his long drive was past the 150m mark and his second shot was pin-high on the western side of the green, about 5m out – good putting saw the eagle scored.

Committee’s recommendation on slow play
When a member of group is raking a bunker, his playing partners move on to play their shots or to putt out.

Results:           Name                      Gross Net 

1st            Steve Huckle                        85      65     
2nd          Richard Russell                    85      71
3rd           Ric Haddleton                      90      72

Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                            79
Best Nine
Steve Huckle   24
Nearest to Pin:
3rd        David Lynn
6th        Garth Irvine
12th      Bruce Morrison
18th      Steve Huckle  



Next fixture: Friday 6 May, Old Course, Ambrose, tee-off 9.32 am cards in 9.10 am

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