Results 9 May 2022

Course             Old Course      Competition   Pairs combined stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players             17 members

Committee’s recommendation on slow play
Do not linger over a missed putt; putting out is desirable but not essential and, if not putting out, promptly let playing partners know your intention.

Pairs Results:                                                           Points
1st         Tony Fisk/John Campbell                                68
2nd C/B John Allen/Graham McHarrie                      64
3rd        Mike Kimbar/Steve Huckle                             64
4th        Alan Smith/Alex Smith                                    63

Individual                                    Gross   Net    Points
1st         Tony Fisk                                 75        71        37
2nd        Mike Spencer                          88       72        36
3rd C/B John Allen                              91        73        35
4th        Steve Huckle                           93        73        35

Best Gross
Tony Fisk                      75
Best 9
Steve Huckle               20

Nearest to Pin:
2nd        –
6th        Tony Fisk
13th      Alan Smith
16th      John Allen       

Our Charity Day match against Westside GC on 11 April resulted in an aggregate donation of $600 from both clubs, of which our contribution was $230.  The Children’s Leukaemia Foundation’s receipt is attached.



Next fixture: Friday 13 May, Old Course, stableford, tee-off 9.16 am cards in 8.56 am

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