Results 30 May 2022

Course             Tuart Course   Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players             15 members

Results                             Gross     Net    Points
1st         Mike Spencer              85        69        37
2nd       Ric Haddleton             88        70        36
3rd        Tony Fisk                      74        71        35

Best Gross
Tony Fisk                      74
Best 9
Front nine        Mike Spencer             20
Back nine        Ric Haddleton             20       

Nearest to Pin:
3rd        Alan Smith
6th        Alan Smith
12th      Jay Johnson
18th      Rick Haddleton           



Next fixture: Friday 3 June, Tuart Course, stableford, tee-off 9.00 am cards in 8.40 am

Reminder for mid-year lunch at Marmion Angling Club – 15 June.  The menu has been circulated with a list of credits for use at the social, which will be open to members and partners of course. To attend, please pay the amount due for your/your partner’s lunch to the treasurer no later than Friday 10 June.

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