President’s Trophy 10 June 2022

Course            Old Course      Competition   President’s Trophy (Stroke)
Conditions    Cloudy              Players              17 members

President’s Trophy
The President’s Trophy was played for on Friday 10 June 2022 on a stormy day with threatening clouds but very fortunately very little rain during play.  The Old Course was in excellent condition but the greens were tricky – hard, fast and unforgiving for those heavy-handed golfers in the club. For what was forecast to be a wet morning, we had a good turnout of 17 members to compete for the trophy. Congratulations to a comparatively new member, Ian Johnsen who won the trophy and a $100 voucher from Greenwood Tavern with a gross 91 and net 73.  Three players tied for second place with a net score of 75 – Graham Guy took the money and six-pack Coronas on count back with a gross 93, followed by Mike Kimbar (89) and Alan Smith (91). 
The photo of the president, Richard Russell, presenting the trophy to Ian Johnsen, was taken indoors at 300 Acres after we had to move because of rain whilst the results were being determined.
Results                              Gross   Net     
1st         Ian Johnsen                 91        73       
2nd C/B Graham Guy              93        75
3rd        Mike Kimbar               89        75
4th        Alan Smith                   91        75

Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                               81
Best 9
Front 9            Ian Johnsen                  20
Back 9             Bruce Morrison            20       

Nearest to Pin:
2nd        Tony Fisk
6th        –
13th      Steve Parkinson
16th      Graham Guy   



Next fixture: Monday 13 June, Tuart, stableford, tee-off 9.00 am cards in 8.40 am

Reminder for mid-year lunch at Marmion Angling Club – 15 June.  The list of attendees has been circulated – late registrants welcome – contact secretary


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