Results 1 July 2022

Course            Tuart Course   Competition   Pairs Stableford Best Ball
Conditions      Sunny               Players            19 members

Pairs Results                                              Points
1st         Garth Irvine  & John Stone                  43
2nd        Rolfe Heldt & Bruce Morrison            42
3rd        Carl Colli & David Hayes                      41
Individual Results       Gross   Net      Points
1st         David Hayes                93        70        36
2nd       Mike Spencer              87        72         34
3rd        Rolfe Heldt                 86        73        33

Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                                           78

Best Nine
David Hayes c/b Mike Spencer                      20

Nearest to Pin
3rd        Jay Johnson
6th        Jay Johnson
12th      Tom Guthrie
18th      John Stone      



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 4 July, Old Course, Stroke, tee-off 9.00 am, cards in 8.40 am

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