Results 12 August – Cecil McPhee Trophy

The Cecil McPhee Trophy competition was held on 12 August 2022 under warm and sunny winter conditions. Twenty-four club members competed for the trophy under stableford off scratch rules.  The winner was Captain Mike Spencer who achieved 36 points with a gross score of 83.  The runner-up was Tony Fisk with an excellent round of 72 off the stick but collecting three penalties for playing the wrong ball to bring his gross up to 75 and his points to 35. Third place went to a recently-joined member, Rolfe Heldt, with a gross 85, net 73, 33 points.  The photo shows Barry Boyd (right), recently retired as vice president, congratulating the winner, Mike Spencer (left).


Course          Tuart Course   Competition   Cecil McPhee Trophy, stableford off scratch
Conditions   Sunny               Players             24 members

Results                                         Gross   Net      Points
1st                 Mike Spencer                         83       70        36
2nd        Tony Fisk                                 75        71        35
3rd        Rolfe Heldt                              85        73        33
Best Gross

Tony Fisk                                              75
Best Nine
Tony Fisk                                              18

Nearest to Pin
3rd        Garth Irvine
6th        Mike Kimbar
12th      Andy McLean
18th      Tom McClain  



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 15 August, stableford, Old Course, tee-off 9.00 am, cards in 8.40 am

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