Results 19 August 2022

Course            Old Course      Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players            22 members

Avoid slow play: Keep up with the group in front.  If your group is not keeping up with the group in front, the first pair to putt out should move to the next tee and hit-off while their partners putt out.
Results                                          Gross   Net   Points
1st                 Grant Saunders                      87        70       38
2nd         Jeff Salant                               82        71        37
3rd C/B Ron Bensky                             92        74        34
4th         Graham Guy                            92        74        34
5th               Adam Zieba                                               95        74        34
Best Gross

Jeff Salant                                             82
Best Nine
Front:   Grant Saunders                       21
Back:   Ron Bensky                               21
Nearest to Pin:
2nd        Alan Smith
6th        Ron Bensky
13th      David Hayes
16th      Graham Guy   



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 22 August, Wembley foursomes, Tuart Course, tee-off 9.00 am, cards in 8.40 am

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