Results 22 August 2022

Course             Tuart Course   Competition   Foursomes
Conditions      Sunny               Players             15 members

  • Avoid slow play: Be ready to tee off, if need be before marking your card with the score on the previous hole.

Results                                                           Gross   Net     
1st c/b  David Lynn & Mike Kimbar                  82        67
2nd        Ron Bensky & Ian Johnsen                   85        67
3rd        Bruce Morrison & John Campbell       87        69
Nearest to Pin:
3rd        John Campbell
6th        Steve Huckle
12th      Alan Smith
18th      Steve Parkinson          



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Friday 26 August, Stroke & Putts, Tuart Course, tee-off 9.00 am, cards in 8.40 am

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