Results 26 August, Captaincy, and Fergus McDuff

Course            Tuart Course   Competition   Stroke & Putts
Conditions      Sunny               Players            20 members

Changeover of captaincy:  Mike Spencer has stepped down as captain after taking over from John Allen in 2016 – a big thank you from all of us for your hard work over the last 6 years, Mike, and for getting to Wembley early to organise the starting line-up for all that time.  During that time, Mike has featured very regularly on the honour board – a hole in one in 2017 (and very nearly another one today), three times match-play champion, twice eclectic winner and pairs champion last year.  It can be a tough job interpreting the rules of golf and not one that Mike has shied away from – we could wish that there really was a Veteran Golfers Association to negotiate new rules of golf on our behalf – see Funny Joke – New Rules of Golf  Seriously though, many thanks Mike for a job well done.  Tom McClain has agreed to take on the role which he did today for the first time. 

Stroke & Putts – the Fergus McDuff Trophy for the worst putting performance:
Today’s competition for the stroke round was won by Ian Johnsen with a splendid 82 off the stick, net 64 (6 under par which will probably savage his handicap!) – congratulations Ian.  The putting competition was won by Rolfe Heldt with 30 putts and lost by John Campbell and Mike Kimbar who knocked in 38 putts each to share winning the dreaded Fergus McDuff Trophy – they will look after it until 12 December when it will be awarded to the worst putter on the day.  The photo shows Tom McClain (captain on left) presenting the trophy to Mike Kimbar (centre) and John Campbell (right):

Avoid slow play: Play ready golf on the tee – do not wait for player with the honour – consider short hitters playing first to enable them to move promptly off the tee for second shots.

Results                                                           Gross          Net    
1st                               Ian Johnsen                                    82               64
2nd C/B        David Hayes                                     96               73                                          
3rd               Alan Smith                                         89               73
4th                 Rolfe Heldt                                        85                73
Best Gross
Ian Johnsen                                                           82
Best Nine
Front:          Ian Johnsen                                      30
Back:          David Hayes                                       30                                     
Least Putts:
Rolfe Heldt                                                            30
Most Putts and Fergus McDuff Trophy winners:
John Campbell & Mike Kimbar                             38
Nearest to Pin
3rd               Mike Spencer
6th               Tom McClain
12th             Andy McLean
18th             Bruce Morrison                                 



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 29 August, stableford, Old Course, tee-off 9.00 am, cards in 8.40 am

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